Hi there! Today is the eclectic Paperie's ePick's challenge! This month's theme is recycling! FUN fun challenge! Tracy has kicked off the inspiration on the eP blog! Check it out here!
Here are some details on the challenge:
The eTeam Picks Challenge is held on the third Thursday of each month and each challenge is an opportunity for you to be inspired by one of our eTeam’s creations and to be entered into our challenge prize drawing!
The eTeam
Picks Challenge is all about inspiration and having fun! During each challenge one of the eTeam
members will share a topic, word, technique, sketch, or product that will become
the foundation for your creation. This
challenge is all about mixing it up and just enjoying the creative process of
feel free to share a journal page, card, scrapbook project, mini album….Anything
goes! We want to see your work and hear
about your inspiration!
All of those
who play along with our challenge will be entered into a prize drawing for a
$15.00 gift certificate to the eclectic Paperie store.
So grab your supplies and play along!
Here are a few things to keep in mind for this
-You do not
have to use products sold in the eP store…but we do love it when you
-Share a direct link to your creation, not just your blog, using the
Linky Tools feature at the end of this post.
If, for any reason, the Linky Tools doesn’t cooperate, please add a link
in the Comments section of the blog.
-When uploading to any online galleries, please use any of the
following keywords; eP, eclectic Paperie or eTeam Pick Challenge. Link your creations to the eP
On with my presentation!
I spent this past weekend w/ some very dear friends of mine at a scrapbooking event in OH. What a blast we had!!!! My group of friends are not scrappers. So, we gathered to create cards and mixed media all weekend! FUN FUN FUN! Lots of laughs, some spills, and lots of creating going on all weekend!
I was one of the ones that worked on mixed media all weekend. I brought all of my stencils, joint compound, drywall tape, sprays, inks, and canvases. Another thing that I brought was a piece of drywall. Earlier this year, we had our upstairs bathroom completely gutted and redone. We had the purple drywall put up that is resistant to mold and moisture. I thought that this would be perfect for my crafts! So, after our contractor was done w/ it, he stored the rest that would be thrown away on the side of the house. I decided to scavenge! I picked up a piece that was about the size of a standard computer keyboard. Then, since I wasn't ready to work on it, I stored it in my craft room and forgot about it! Until recently! I pulled it out and applied a generous amount of gesso. I was going to create a Christmas themed scene on it, and the gesso would act as a piece of wood w/ the texture of the paintbrush mimicking the lines in a piece of wood. Well, I got distracted waiting for the gesso to dry, and after looking at it for a week, I put it back again.
Then, this weekend got closer and closer, and finally it was time to pack! I spied the drywall, and thought, "What the heck! I might as well take it and see what I can do w/ it!"
Well, I was scanning the internet for sunset pictures for a different project and I came across this picture:
I LOVE how the sky is so full of color! I wanted to re-create that look with the clouds changing colors and layering upon each other.
So, this is what I came up with!
To create this look, here are the steps I took after I applied the gesso.
1. Sprinkle droplets of water all over the surface of your piece.
2. Spray with your sprays to completely cover your surface. (I used Dylusions sprays)
3. Using a heat tool (Tim Holtz's is best to use as it's not as strong as an embossing gun), swirl the colors around to create the swirly cloud affect.
4. If there's too much moisture and it's not drying as quickly as you would like, you can always blot it dry w/ a towel. That creates the lightness and darkness that you see on my piece.
5. Once it's completely dry, you can apply gesso w/ a paintbrush. I wasn't sure where I was going w/ this, just that I was trying to capture the trees from the inspiration photo, although on my piece, it's actually a grassy knoll! I'll have to work on the difference between trees and grass! LOL!
I got a little carried away and w/ a very slim paintbrush, I painted a tree and my 3 kids looking towards the sunset.
And that's it! It's fairly simple! Seriously! And you can use the colored background and stamp on it instead of painting w/ gesso. You can do so many things!!! Your possibilities are endless!
piece of drywall
white and black gesso
Dylusions Sprays: After Midnight, Bubble Gum Pink, Squeezed Orange, Crushed Grape, Lemon Zest, & Funky Fuschia.
I look forward to seeing your creations!
Have a wonderful day!