Kitchen Sink Stamps - Multi-Step Berries
Kitchen Sink Stamps: Hey Chick!
Crafty Secrets - Sweet Kids
Hello all! I thought I would share some cards that I made for my cousin. She has asked me to make a set of cards for her. I think this is her 3rd set! Guess she's a fan! LOL! Every card that I have ever made, whether it's for her, or for anyone, or any challenge that I particpate in, is different. Unless I'm making an assembly line set, or I need to make the same card for a swap, I always come up w/ new card ideas. And I never know what the finished product will look like! That's the fun part for me!
Anyway, I was asked to make several regular cards for her, and then some teenager birthday cards. So, that's next on my list!
********ENABLER ALERT**********
ABC TOYS AND CRAFTS is having a special for the month of September! When you purchase from ABC Toys and Crafts from now until October 10th, and use the code: ABC15E you will get 15% off of your total!!!! And this code is available for the entire time! It's not a one time thing!
The design team is having a "friendly" competition! Each member of the design team has a different code, so whoever has the most purchases using their code will get a store shopping spree!!! I would LOVE to win that spree!!!!
So, go shopping!!!! There are TONS of things that are right up your alley! Nestabilities, Clear Stamps, wood stamps, Punches GALORE!, and many other things! It's like one stop shopping, but please visit the site more than once!!!!
If I win, I will post some really cool blog candy on here! Maybe I'll do it even if I don't win! Would that be incentive enough? Who can use some free stuff???!!!
Here's where you need to go:
Happy Shopping!!! :)
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Stamping!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Stamping!!!