Today I would like to share w/ you a tag that I made for a challenge that I am no longer a part of! Haha! I am still playing along because it broadens my horizons and I'm trying new things! Like....metal tape! Have you ever heard of it? Well, I hadn't! Until Monday! I watched a YouTube video on the fun things that you can do w/ metal tape and paper! So, since I wasn't chosen to continue in the Ultimate Design Challenge for Swirlydoos, I really don't need to continue w/ the challenges. But, I want to! I want to show that I can be a team player even though I'm not eligible any longer. I refuse to be a sore loser!
I sent a text message to my friend, whose husband is a contractor, and asked if I could borrow some metal tape if he had any. He did! Yay! I didn't have to buy a roll! My husband is so happy! I'm happy too! It's expensive!!!! I received the roll last night when we met up for dinner w/ some of our other friends, and I couldn't wait to get started! After I took the kids to school this morning, I got my littlest one situated on the couch (still a fever after 3 days. Ugh!), and I went off to my craft cave, I mean, room!
Here's what I created!
A plain manilla tag, metal tape, rub ons, titanium white accrylic paint, pink crackle paint, black gesso, chipboard, red and vanilla smooch spray, tinsel Heidi Swapp spray.I also added a chain, some accoutrements to the bottom, fancy rose button, flowers, and some leaves that I've had since I started crafting!
In these pictures, I'm trying to show you the texture that I started with. I first layered the tag w/ the tape. Then, I glued the letters of my name, and then covered them w/ the tape. I took different pieces and embossed them underneath the "Create" w/ an embossing folder. I taped it every which way on that side. I took my embosser and outlined each letter over the tape.
Then, I started distressing it and changing it up. First I painted it w/ white paint. I wanted to get the paint into all the nooks and crannies. Then, I sanded the tops of the embossed areas. Then, I painted it w/ the pink crackle paint. That looked ok, but it wasn't vibrant enough. So, I grabbed my red spray and white spray and made it look pink. Then the tinsel spray to add the metallic look. I took white paint and w/ the wooden skewer, went over all of the highlights on each letter to accentuate the letters.
The above pic is a good shot of what the tape looks like on there, even underneath all of the layers of paint and sprays! The fact that it had the crisscrosses on it made my job easier because I didn't have to texturize it if I didn't want to.
If you look really close, underneath the word create, you can see the embossed swirls on a couple tape panels.
So, that's my latest development in the world of metal tape! Unfortunately, I have to give the roll of tape back, or I would have more cool metallic projects!
Craft on!