Hi there! My daughter, Olivia, has been getting very crafty lately! She loves to hang out in my stamp room with me, and use all of my products! Sometimes, seeing all of the stickles and embossing powder in a jumbled mess gives me heart palpitations, but the smile on her proud face makes it all worth it!
Yesterday and this morning, she worked on this latest creation! I was so impressed that I told her that I would post it on my blog! She was over the moon excited! :D
She knows that I LOVE making 3-D projects! Apparently, she must love them as well! Here's her 3-D creation!
Every time I look at this project, it makes me smile! For a 6 year old, I think she did a darn good job! Of course, as her mother, I'm biased!
Have a wonderful day!

Beautiful! I love it! Like mother, like daughter.