Ahoy, there me hearties! Tonight on the VSN Pirate Ship, we celebrated the Mini VSN! We had 5 lively challenges, indeed!
1: Use of fabric. Now, when ye think of me pirate ship, what sort of fabric do ye think I 'ave? Well, I created a card using the back of leather for sails! Now tha's usin' me thinkin' cap!
3: Create a card using an inspirational picture. Avast me hearties! But, me own eyes have seen many a beautiful sunsets and many a beautiful beaches along the coasts of this country! I took the inspiration picture and I made it me own!
4: A color challenge. Now, me parrot is the only animal aboard ship, you know! And this challenge was all for Pretty Polly! Use green, yellow, orange and a splash of blue. Well, I wouldn't be a pirate if I followed the rules, now would I?! I did the exact opposite! I used blue, with a splash of yellow, green and orange! Me parrot loved it! Harrrr, harrr!!!!
5: Use woodgrain. What's me pirate ship without the wood? Not a seaworthy ship, to be sure! I decided to create a boardwalk instead though. And don't get yer panties in a twist because she doesn't 'ave a head! And no, she was not beheaded! This 'ere is a MFT stamp, "By the Seashore". I made her walk on the boardwalk, because her seeing eye dog 'as a hard time pawing through the sand. Since they're up on the boardwalk, that dog can direct her right quick on the way to get down the 'walk. ;)
{5 a: This is a different view so that you can kind of see the ripples in the water made w/ the gel pen.}
And that be the end of this short little jaunt 'round the bay! Git your sea legs ready fer the main sail on Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21!
You have until Monday, May 2 at 8pm to upload yer cards for the Mini to be eligible for the favorites gallery.
Go to www.splitcoaststampers.com for more details.